all postcodes in RM1 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM1 4AB 41 0 51.581402 0.178022
RM1 4AD 21 0 51.581999 0.179107
RM1 4AE 8 0 51.598918 0.183772
RM1 4AF 10 0 51.600481 0.182098
RM1 4AG 42 0 51.60122 0.181065
RM1 4AH 44 0 51.581187 0.179441
RM1 4AJ 6 0 51.581185 0.181476
RM1 4AN 36 0 51.601758 0.181625
RM1 4AP 45 0 51.591641 0.175798
RM1 4AQ 14 0 51.602357 0.180702
RM1 4AR 27 0 51.591744 0.17511
RM1 4AS 50 0 51.581628 0.180215
RM1 4AT 1 0 51.581088 0.182338
RM1 4AU 32 0 51.582241 0.181772
RM1 4AW 22 0 51.600249 0.180384
RM1 4AX 26 0 51.582004 0.181414
RM1 4AY 12 0 51.600497 0.179169
RM1 4AZ 32 2 51.59921 0.178384
RM1 4BB 11 0 51.58362 0.181073
RM1 4BE 41 0 51.585408 0.180206